ACOG committee opinion on exercise during pregnancy and the postpartum period
Australian Guidelines for physical activity in pregnany women 2020
Canadian Guidlines for physical activity throughout pregnancy 2019
Community Midwives Labour and Birth 2021
Irish Maternity Indicator System National Report 20
Management of PPGP in pregnancy and post partum HSE
Nice guideline Inducing Labour 2021
NICE guideline of weight management before during and after pregnancy
NICE guideline on antenatal and postnatal mental health clinical management and service guidance
NICE guideline on diabetes in pregnancy management from preconception to the postnatal period
NICE guideline on hypertension in pregnancy diagnosis and management
NICE guideline on intrapartum care for healthy women and babies
NICE guidline antenatal care
PPGP guidance for health professionals
Pregnancy complications
Pregnancy Screening Tool 2021
RCOG 2019 care of third and fourth degree tears oasi
RCOG 2018 placenta praevia, accreta and vasa praevia
RCOG 2020 Assisted vaginal birth
RCOG perineal tears poster colour
Red Flag List Pregnancy
Returning to running postnatal guideline
Social Support for Perinatal Mothers by Community Service Providers